Saturday, September 8, 2012

(Ryuuta wig) Natural Brown wig

First Review~ Yeayy xD

Today, I'm gonna tell a review about my brown wig (lenght: 70 cm) and it's purchased from "Ryuuta wig". It's a local store from Indonesia, but she only sell the wigs online. The owner is sooooo kind and the service is really good. If you get interested by this wig, the code is VW039A but sometimes the wig will sold out, so you need to ask whether she will restock it or not.

If you wanted to buy it, here's the link :)

Now, back to the review..

Fibre = I'm not really sure about the fibre. But, from the descriptions of the wig, it's heat-resistant. So you could use an iron for this wig. But I had never tried it, because I'm to scared if there's something bad happen with the wig :O

Smoothness = It's super soft and likes a human hair xD

Thickness = Personally, I think this wig is thin compared to my other wigs. But, it's easy to manage and not easily fallout.

Colour = I love the colour, and the colour is between light and dark brown. It's not looks fake, so if you see it, you won't noticed that actually it's a wig.

Here's the photos with me using the wig :P

In short, here's the pros and cons :)

-) Cheap (only IDR 135.000) xD
-) not flashy or looks fake
-) Super soft <3
-) the color looks natural
-) Heat resistant
-) not easily fallout

-) Thin
-) The cap is not really big

Rating = 6.5/10

Will I buy another wigs from this store ? 

Yes, if there's a wig that I liked :)


  1. hai Rika salam kenal, aku mau beli wig di Ryuuta tapi masih khawatir kalau di bawah sinar matahari terlalu mengkilap gak?btw rika beli warna apa?aku mau beli warna capuccino :-D

    1. Hi Conietta,
      pada dasarnya hampir semua wig itu mengkilap, cm berbeda di kadar mengkilapnya saja. Utk yg bagus harusnya kilapnya cm sedikit :) dan utk wig Ryuuta sendiri menurutku kilapnya cm sedikit, utk wig yg warna" natural spt coklat dan hitam. Trus, kl dipake kena cahaya matahari gak terlalu mengkilap kog :)
      Kl dr Ryuuta aku pernah beli warna copper (yg di post ini) sama cappucino.

  2. makasih udah di bles komenya, sangat membantu, apalgi kamu punya banyak koleksi wig :-D
    btw yang capucino itu terlalu gelap apa coklat ke arah terang??

    1. Sama". Senang bs bantu org lain :)
      cappucino itu lebi ke arah hitam yg natural. Jd cenderung ke warna gelap.
      Pd dasarnya kl mau liat warnanya itu, dr foto yg ryuuta kasih warnanya mirip sm brg aslinya.

  3. akhirnya aku beli warna dark brown, tapi nyesel karena terlalu terang
    sepertinya mau aku jual lagi huhuhu. . .
    punya kakak yang capucino yang mana ya?

    1. Wah sayang banget :(
      Punyaku yg cappucino blm aku post di blog ini. Kl km mau liat bisa ke facebook aku aja. hehe:)
      Ini quick linknya =

      Btw, itu fotonya agak kurang jelas gpp ya, soalnya pixel kameranya kurang bagus waktu itu >w< ahahaha.

  4. waa warnanya kalem ya, btw ini penampakan wig ku ^^
